This picture shows our starting wood pile.

The first finished box! It's not a flattering picture, but it definitely captures my joy! This looks fairly easy but there was definitely some sweat involved and a few sparks flew off of the duct taped end of my husband's power drill. We even tripped a breaker. Nothing two tough girls can't handle, right?

All 3 finished boxes, we're ready for Saturday!

On Saturday, we plan to meet very early and begin our garden "lasagna" layers. We will have a full day of work ahead of us (and maybe some Starbucks to keep us going).
Also, I just couldn't wait until Spring to start planting (I am WAY too excited for that!), so I started a little mini-herb garden. It's so cute and it is safe in my kitchen from all the cold and frost outside. I also have some more indoor plants to start soon (once they are delivered), but I'll save that story for another day.

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