Monday, April 19, 2010

So far, so good!

My seeds are coming up really nice, I could sit in my backyard for hours and just look at everything. So far my routine is to water every other day (unless we are blessed with rain) and use my organic plant food once a week during a watering session. My tomatoes are doing great and I can definitely see growth since I transplanted. Pretty much everything is coming up except my melons and carrots. I am going to let these seedlings get a little higher and I will thin them out. One of my favorite seedlings are my pole beans...precious!


Check out my corn rows! haha! :)


This bed is a total hodge podge of tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, peppers, etc. so it is exciting because of the variety!


Another fun gardening milestone happened this weekend, I ate my first fruit/veggie from my garden...a STRAWBERRY! I was so giddy and proud! On Sunday, I gave one to Kevin. I have a feeling that those strawberries will never make it indoors...I think they will be my gardening snack. Big grin!


I kept Melina's son Andrew this weekend so that she could finish up her garden (and so I could spend time with him of course!), and when I took him back to her I was able to check out her garden. She will sure be opening a fruit stand soon...this sister went crazy and has about 10 topsy turvys! haha!


I can't wait to show everyone more progress. It's pretty neat to think this started as a crazy idea in January and that it may actually work. I can also vouch for the stress relief that gardening brings...I hope this is a hobby I continue to enjoy.

Oh, one other thing...Saturday morning I went to the Madison City Farmer's Market. It was small, but nice and I got a jar of homemade salsa and some home baked honey wheat bread. There wasn't much of a vegetable selection since it is early in the growing season, but I definitely plan to go back.

Is it bad that I am ready for next weekend already? Happy Monday to everyone!

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