So, I had to make the fondant (thanks to my mom for getting me that Kitchen Aid mixer years ago...this stuff is so sticky, I can't imagine kneading it by hand) and let it cool.

Then I made the cakes and they also had to cool. I did all of that on Saturday.

Saturday night I also had to make a run to Michaels because I needed to get some cake decorating gear. This cake was expensive, but now I can make one for a lot less money because I have the right tools/gadgets.

Sunday, around 5am and full of excitement, I woke up and decided to get to work. I made a batch of buttercream and leveled my cakes (each tier has 2 layers). I rolled out the fondant and luckily for me it went on smooth.
This is the first tier...Poor Kevin was forced to get out of bed at 6am to come check this out.

Tier 2 went on like a charm, I was so stoked!

I had to make another batch of fondant so that I could make different colors. I decided to do dots and a flower on top. This is the finished product...

This was so much fun! I will definitely do this again (hopefully next time for an occasion so I am not stuck with a huge cake). For the most part, I think Martha would be proud. ha! One thing she would not be proud about is the mess I made...check out the disaster!

I am so inspired....I always wanted to try to do that!!!