Tonight I had some very precious garden visitors...Nola (daughter of my friend Julie) and Connor (son of my friend Cheryl. They are so sweet and funny and playful and awesome! I love them both so much and their wonderful mamas too! We grilled out and hung around chatting and watching the kiddos play. Connor and Nola have always been cute together, but tonight was the first time I've really seen them truly play with each other. They were both laughing at each other and a few times could have cared less if us grown-ups were in the room. So precious! It won't be long and Cheryl's baby girl will be here. Mona Catherine will be making her debut mid-August. We can't wait!
The kids both ate blueberries and Nola kept picking and eating cherry tomatoes off the vine. So funny! I love nights like this and I am so thankful for dear friends!
I also wanted to share a great recipe. I made a strawberry cake recipe by Paula Deen and it was great! It can be found
here and some pictures are below. It really reminds me of a cake my Grandmother Usher used to make.
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