Kevin had to work this weekend, so I had plenty of time to do my own thing. Melina may be sick of me now, but we hung out all weekend. This weekend I was glad to be busy (even though I should have been working on stuff for my classes), because today was the due date of my first pregnancy. This day is always tough for's sad to think that my baby would be 3 years old now. So, to keep myself from getting in an emotional rut I am thankful for fun friends to keep my mind on happy thoughts.
Saturday morning, we were up and at 'em! Off to Fayetteville, TN to go to Sir's Fabrics! I got a couple of fabrics to make more skirts and I got a lovely fabric that is very "Pottery Barn"esque that I will probably use to make some drapery panels. This was my first Sir's is definitely one of those places where you have to dig around, but the prices are unbelievably cheap! On the way back from Sir's, we stopped and got lottery tickets and saw a yard sale on the side of the road (I nearly caused a wreck trying to get to it). At the yard sale I purchased a chair for $18! They were asking $20, but Melina made me haggle. ha! After I graduate, I plan to make this my new project...I want to reupholster the chair. Here is my find...
After the yard sale, we headed to Bennett Nursery. Oh my goodness, how I love that place! Melina and I had a field day in the herb greenhouse (we kept biting leaves and taste testing...are we wierd?). I got so many herbs and I am so excited!
I got Lemon Thyme (YUM!!!), Sweet Basil, Lemon Basil, Dill, Marjoram, Rosemary, Stevia (the natural sweetener), and Julep Mint. I am so so excited about this! I potted these tonight (thanks to Melina for sending me home with some potting soil so I could save a trip to the store...I am pooped!). Isn't my herb stand just adorable? This will go outside in mid to late April.
We went to Kirkland's, Steinmart, Home Depot, and even had lunch at Connor' say we had a fun-filled day is an understatement. Girl time is the much laughter that it makes my stomach sore. I got a super cute framed print at Kirkland's and was able to finish up my bedroom (I got a new comforter set last weekend). I've been a major sale rack shopper definitely pays to look for a good deal, I've been all about "the find"! I love paisley prints so much, I could eat it!
Today, Melina had to take her in-laws dog back (she's been dogsitting) and she agreed to meet them half-way in Birmingham. Her hubby had to work so I went along and we made a fun day of it (Baby Andrew was with us too, and I just love him to pieces...he loves me too, I can tell!). We had an awesome lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and walked around The Summit. We went to Charming Charlie (very cute/trendy/affordable/color-coded accessory store that my friend Pilar has been peer pressuring me about), Sephora, etc. So much fun! Then, before we headed back we stopped by Whole Foods. I sure wish Whole Foods would come to Huntsville, it is wonderful. Funny though, out of all of the healthy options, all I got were 3 bottles of wine. I NEVER drink...really, I never do! I've decided that I should start enjoying a glass of wine in the evenings. I thought, the weather is warming up and I should be sitting on my deck drinking a glass of wine and looking at my soon to be garden. How relaxing is that? So, I've set a drinking goal. Good for me!
I'm a fan of light white wines...probably because I am a wuss. Baby steps...
Tomorrow is and school on the menu. At least I have a relaxation plan ready!