Saturday, March 27, 2010

I now know the meaning to "Slaving over a hot stove"

Today was a fun day...Kevin and I went to Best Buy (I finally joined everyone else on the planet and got an mom even has an iPhone, apparently I am behind the curve). We also went to Home Depot (Noticing a pattern? I seem to go every Saturday) to get more soil for my garden beds and mulch for our front flower beds. I can now get over my "poop envy"...I got some Moo-Nure (notice, they are "Number 1 in the Number 2 Business" haha! I love it!).


Kevin was a great hubby and put all the mulch, soil, and poop in the appropriate places. I am getting so antsy, waiting for planting time. I truly can't wait! Tonight I cooked a labor intensive dinner...wilted spinach salad, pork tenderloin with boursin polenta and a blackberry reduction sauce. For dessert we had amaretto apple crisp. Very tasty...not sure if Kevin agreed. I'm thinking polenta may not be for him (too much like grits, maybe?)...I love it thought and it was a nice change. Plus, in my opinion boursin could make anything taste great. Polenta requires constant attention for 30 minutes. Add that, and all of the other stuff I had going on in the kitchen and I am pooped. Another note, even with my best attempts to clean as I go, I think every pan and gadget I own is piled in the sink. Nice.






  1. Check out the dinner spinner app for iphone. Of course you probably know more recipes and are creative.... but it is great for me.

  2. I just downloaded that app today! I love it!
