Friday, March 5, 2010

Despite what you may have heard, vegetable consumption does not guarantee good health

I've been eating tons of veggies and fruits (gotta build up my compost). You'd think I would be the picture of perfect health...WRONG. I am sick! So, I finally broke down and went to the doctor today and got a shot and some nice cough syrup. I hope this helps. We are supposed to have really nice spring weather this weekend and I have a lot to take care of. Because I have been under the weather, I've completely let go of my household duties. Anyone that knows me well, knows I am a clean freak. So, I've got to get that under control and work on some stuff for school. Just a little over a month left and my Master's will be complete. Yippy!

I almost started having a panic attack when thinking about my garden. I have so many plans, I truly know NOTHING about gardening, timing is everything, etc. I kept playing all of these "what-ifs?" in my mind and I started to wonder if I had bitten off more than I can chew. Being the annoying list-making planner that I am, I decided to make a garden notebook to organize and catalog all of my seeds, schedules, garden layout, etc. Oh, I am back in control now! What did we do before the 3-ring binder, really?


On to my seeds... I had to plant a few of my seeds because some vegetables need to be started inside weeks before planting season. I started my bell peppers (regular and carnival), banana peppers, red onion, yellow onion, roma tomatoes, and beefmaster tomatoes. I also planted some rosemary, dill, and basil. Because I love flowers (what girl doesn't?), I planted some impatiens. Kevin will set some iris bulbs for me this weekend too (he doesn't know yet). ha! On a funny note, my husband loves cactus plants. Who knows why? In my opinion, cacti are LAME-O! But, because I am a super-thoughtful wife, I decided to get Kev a cactus growing kit. It will be funny to see how those turn out.

This is a picture of the self-watering indoor seed starting kit I got...pretty nifty!


Here are all my planted seeds! Everything is labeled and I can't wait for germination! I am going to have to get used to having all of this kitchen clutter...


Happy Weekend to everyone!


  1. LOL! Love this phrase: Oh, I am back in control now! What did we do before the 3-ring binder, really? ROTFL!!!! We are so long lost sisters!!!!

  2. I cannot wait to see how your garden turns out. I may just have to take a stab at some of it myself next year.....

  3. Laura - We share our OCD! :)

    Katherine - I hope it turns out's going to be fun to see the (hopeful) progress. I am glad I started the blog. You can do it too! :)
